Prophetic Dance School
Registration is open. Secure your plan for the Spring 2025 class.
Crystal Benson
Natasha Glasgow
Myeesha Coe

The More Than Just Dance Praise Dance School instructors are adequately equipped to teach and train students of different ages, from all walks of life. MTJD has expanded its instructional staff to have the capability of a generational reach. The instructors teach an array of styles from prophetic to flag dance. The versatility of these styles enable our students to:
Understand Praise Dance from a wider perspective
Enhance their abilities and build self confidence
Be mentored by a community as opposed to an individual instructor
Improve health and strengthen bodily function
Our Alumni
Would you like to know about the More Than Just Dance Praise Dance School experience? Here is a firsthand view directly from the instructors and teachers. This video provides clippings, interviews and footage from each aspect of the Praise Dance School. Please feel free to click the video below to get a taste of what to expect.
More Than Just Dance Praise Dance School
Short Documentary
Dance Clip
Dance Instructors Natasha Glasgow and Crystal Benson minister to Myeesha Coe at the House of Glory Philly First Anniversary and Affirmation Service; with both instructors displaying various dance styles within this ministerial piece.
(Crystal Benson: Flags and Prophetic Dance)
(Natasha Glasgow: Veil and Prophetic Dance)
Natasha Glasgow &
Crystal Benson
All Nations Music